Wednesday, June 23, 2010

day 19: the informant

I share an office with a woman who works part-time for the SCRC. We both have numerous boxes scattered around and on top of every free space we can find. Today I noticed she had numerous boxes of cassette tapes and stacks of 1" reel to reel video tapes. I asked Jen about how they approach processing these mediums. Last semester we had a speaker from the Smithsonian present in my archives class about the methods, time, and cost of updating the data to current technology, so I was curious about their approach. She said that currently they don't have the technology to transfer or upload the tapes digitally. They're hoping that in the near future they will have the ability to transfer cassette tapes to digital files. Otherwise, they process medias like these as any other item or document. Box it, folder it, and hope that they can digitize it at some point in the future. It's really difficult for a small institution like the SCRC to get the equipment and funds needed for such projects and a little disappointing to know that at this time there isn't much that can be done.

I spent the rest of the day updating the finding aid with more information about the collection. I did a lot of research to include more information that would be helpful for researchers about the Riggs family. I sent my rough draft to Jen before I left this evening for her to review and make suggestions.

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